Deals Of The Day


Friday, September 30, 2016

How to get Naturally Red Lips

Who doesn't like rosy lips? Using a lip balm or lipstick is not enough to get red lips. So, here are a few tips on how to get naturally good looking lips...

Get rid of the dry flaky skin on your lips with a natural scrub. Mix one teaspoon honey with brown sugar and apply it on your lips. Scrub it in
circular motions and rinse it with warm water. You could also use a clean toothbrush to scrub the dry skin on your lips. Do this gently and rinse with warm water.
Use a serum to make your lips soft. You could either use coconut oil, almond oil or olive oil. Apply it on your lips overnight and rinse your lips next morning to get soft, glowing lips.
The next step is lip plumping. A natural lip plumper can be made with quarter teaspoon cinnamon mixed with olive oil. Apply it on your lips and leave it for a few minutes.
Take a piece of cotton and dip it in red fruit juice like strawberry, cranberry or cherry. Dab the cotton on your lip.
Rub the inner layers of a beetroot on your lips. Leave it for a while and seal it with a lip balm.

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