Deals Of The Day


Sunday, December 16, 2012

Are You Ready To Party? -Do's and Dont's concerning Makeup

Protect your skin from excessive make-up

With the party season in full swing, your skin needs a breather from all that heavy make-up. Here are a few tricks to shield your skin from the all those harmful chemicals..

Make-up is a central part of every woman's beauty routine and during the party season, you cannot expect one to compromise on that. As a result of using excessive make-up, your skin is subjected to untimely ageing, wrinkles, dark circles, blemishes, pimples, and pigmentation. To top it up, the chilly winter wind robs your skin off itsnatural moisture, leaving it dry and flaky, adding to further discomfort. But does that mean you stop applying make-up? Definitely not. Here are some tips on how to take care of your skin in spite of all the make-up.

Always opt for a Pre-makeup preparation:


-Make sure your face is well-moisturized before you apply make-up. A well moisturized face glows from within, and therefore, less make-up is enough to make it look radiant.

-What to do: Wash your face with water, dab it dry and apply a layer of moisturizer suitable to your skin type. Let it soak for 15 minutes and using a cotton ball, dab off all the excess cream off your skin. Now apply a thin coat of face powder or a concealer, before applying make-up.


-When it comes to skincare, your eyes are generally the most